What is the cadastral reference?

The cadastral reference is the official and mandatory identifier of real estate. It consists of an alphanumeric code that is assigned by the Cadastre so that every property must have a single cadastral reference that allows it to be unequivocally located in the cadastral mapping.

It is composed of twenty characters. We can find these examples of cadastral reference structure:

Example 1: 9872023 VH5797S 0001 WX

In this case, of the twenty characters, the first seven identify the farm or plot, the next seven indicate the map sheet where it is located, the next four identify the property within the farm and, finally, the last two They are control characters that allow knowing if the previous eighteen are correct, preventing (or detecting) recording errors.

Urban Cadastral Reference Breakdown

Example with breakdown of the urban cadastral reference

9872023 VH5797S 0001 WX

  • Farm or Plot: 9872023
  • Plan sheet: VH5797S
  • Property Identification: 0001
  • Control characters: WX

Example 2: 13 077 A 018 00039 0000 FP

In this case, the twenty characters correspond to the following: the first two identify the province, the next three the municipality, the next is the character that corresponds to the sector, which indicates the aggregate or zone of parcel concentration (if applicable ), the following three identify the polygon (the municipal area is divided into polygons based on the homogeneity of crops, the existence of geographical accidents, etc.), the following five identify each parcel within the corresponding polygon, the following four characters will allow detecting or identify the existing properties within the plot and, finally, the last two are control characters that fulfill the same task as that indicated in the previous case.

Breakdown of Rustic Cadastral Reference

Example with breakdown of the rustic cadastral reference

13 077 A 018 00039 0000 FP

  • Province: 13
  • Municipality: 077
  • Sector: A
  • Polygon: 018
  • Plot: 00039
  • Property ID: 0000
  • Control characters: FP

Drafted on: Oct. 29, 2022, 5:20 p.m. | Does 2 years, 3 months
Reviewed the: Nov. 15, 2024, 8:24 a.m. | Does 3 months, 1 week
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